Why private general practice has a place

We are staunch supporters of NHS general practice. Free-at-the-point-of-delivery primary care has been revolutionary for the UK over the past 75 years and remains crucial for those who cannot afford private healthcare services. However, with demand far exceeding the supply of clinicians and resources, the system is under immense strain – it’s now rare to find anywhere in the UK where you can access GP services in the way originally intended.

Our perspective is that every patient seen by our clinicians privately is one less appointment that needs to be provided by the patient’s NHS GP practice, thereby freeing up an appointment for patients at that practice who may not have the means to pay.

Contrary to the popular notion that private services undermine NHS general practice, we believe that services like Butterfield Clinic can actually help sustain the ‘free-at-the-point-of-delivery’ model for longer.

While it’s true that some clinicians may be drawn to the private sector, many NHS GPs are considering leaving the profession altogether due to the pressures they face. Private practice at least keeps them within the healthcare industry. And while those paying for private treatment may receive a different level of service, overall, fewer patients using NHS primary care resources should improve the service for those who remain under day-to-day NHS care.

Where private general practice falls short

The private primary care sector is sometimes criticized for increasing the workload of NHS providers – most notably by conducting tests without a clear evidence base and leaving NHS GPs to manage the consequences.

In many instances, we believe this criticism is unfortunately valid. Unnecessary investigations are becoming increasingly common, whether due to clinicians allowing financial considerations to cloud their judgment, or high-street ‘healthcare’ providers bypassing clinician involvement altogether.

How we set ourselves apart

We adhere to the principle that “test enough and you’ll eventually find something” – and in response to unwarranted investigations (which can create issues for patients), we emphasize our commitment to non-maleficence.

Furthermore, we have prioritized our ability to collaborate with NHS GPs in delivering patient care. Increasingly, patients are using the private sector to complement their NHS provision. Traditionally, this has led to fragmented care, with elements of a patient’s history split between their NHS GP and private GP – with little coordinated communication. This not only creates potential safety issues but can also result in conflicting advice from private and NHS GPs.

To address this, we’ve invested heavily in our technology at Butterfield Clinic. With your permission, we can now access your NHS record, and with the consent of you and your NHS GP, we can share information directly back with them. Additionally, we’ve pioneered a first-of-its-kind secure data sharing system between private GP practices, meaning that for patients using multiple private GPs (for example, in different cities), their record can be consolidated for review by either private GP.